The network’s third workshop was hosted by the Research Institute of Biotechnology and Environment (RIBE) at Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from 23-25 July, 2012. It focused on methods to assay the sensory, nutritional and functional components of fruits and their products. It was targeted at SME staff, researchers and policy-makers working on the processing and promotion of indigenous fruit products for specific nutritional content. Training was provided on a range of analytical methods for fruit including sensory analysis, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry(AAS).
Power Point Presentations made during the workshop:
Potentiality of processed indigenous fruits and their derivatives for providing safe nutrition by Dr Susanta K Roy, Amity International Centre for Post harvest Technology and Cold Chain Management, Amity University, India.
An overview on fresh and processed fruits production in Cambodia by Dr Seingheng Hul, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia.
Microbial ecology of indigenous fruits in relation with geographical origin and/or production mode by Dr Jean – Christophe Meile, Food Safety Group, UMR Qualisud TA, CIRAD, France.
Physico-chemical properties and current postharvest practices on main fruit varieties in the South of Vietnam by Dr Nguyen, VanPhong, Southern Horticultural Research Institute (SOFRI), Vietnam.
Status of Characterisation of Sri Lankan fruits byDr DKNG Pushpakumara, Dr DAN Dharmasana and C Gunawardena, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and Institute of Post harvest Technology, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.
Quality Assurance Status and Future Perspective in Fresh and Processed Fruits of Bangladesh by Dr Madan Gopal Saha, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh.
Main class of antioxidant (polyphenol and carotenoids) of indigenous fruits by Dr Max Reynes, UMR Qualisud TA, France.
Studies on extraction, characterisation and antioxidant activity of anthocyanins extracted from plum pomace by Dr Shailendra K Dwivedi, Amity International Centre for Post harvest Technology and Cold Chain Management, Amity University, India.
NIRS and its applications in assessment of fruits quality by Dr Justine yen Phuong, Conseil en Innovations Technologiques Agroalimentaires Avancees(CITAA)France.
Introduction about Nong Lam University by Dr Le Dinh Don, Nong Lam University, Vietnam.
Application of High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC) and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) in nutritional assessment for fruits by Ms Phung,Vo Cam Hong, Nong Lam University, Vietnam.
Sensory evaluation in characterisation of fruit quality by Ms Lam, Thanh Hien,Nong Lam University, Vietnam.
Low Cost Storage Technology for Farmers, SMEs and Entrepreneurs by Dr Neeru Dubey, Amity International Centre for Post harvest Technology and Cold Chain Management, Amity University, India.
An overview on the quality of some indigenous fruits in North Vietnam by Dr Chu, Ky Son, Hanoi University of Science & Technology,Vietnam.
Market Access through Competency Based Education and Training in Horticulture by Dr Le, Nguyen Doan Duy, Cantho University, Vietnam.
E-learning programme on Post Harvest Technology by Ms Naga Laxmi m. Raman, Amity International Centre for Post harvest Technology and Cold Chain Management, Amity University, India.